U8 Practice Session - Focus on Passing
U8 Practice Session - Focus on Passing

In this practice session coaches work with their players on the proper fundamentals for passing the ball. The outline for the practice is the following:
- 20 x 10 2 vs. 2 (10 minutes)
- Soccer Marbles (10 minutes)
- Team Tag (10 minutes)
- Colored Gates in Pairs (15 minutes)
- 31 x 20 4 vs. 4 Scrimmage (15 minutes)
End of practice questions
- What should our foot look like when passing? (toe up, heel down).
- Why would we want it to look like this? (it creates a solid surface to pass with. Also, it keeps the ball from rolling over the top of our foot while passing).
- Where should our non-kicking foot be when passing?
- How much power should I put on a pass? (depends on where your target is. We want enough for the ball to get there, but not so much the it’s hard for the other player to control).
20 x 10 2v2 - Small Sided Soccer Game
Set Up:
Make fields of 20 x 10 yards. Place small goals on each endline.
The players go 2 v 2 on the field. On balls put out of play, use a throw-in or kick-in to get ball back in (coach's choice).
After a goal is scored, play is restarted with a goal kick
Coaching Points:
- None. Let the players play and make mistakes. Only intervene if it is taking too long to get ball back in play.

Soccer Marbles
Set Up:
Players are in pairs, each with a ball.
The game starts with partners facing each other about 3yds apart. Decide which partner gets to go first.
The first player kicks tries to hit the other person’s ball (“marble”) with his pass. If contact is made, that player gets a point. If they miss, then they don’t. Both players must wait until both balls stop moving before the other player takes their turn. Players may not stop the rolling balls.
Players only get one touch on the ball during their turn. They have to pass the ball from where it stopped.
Switch partners after each round and play again.
Coaching Points:
Square hips towards target, and use the inside of foot for more accuracy.
- Challenge players to only use their non-dominate foot.

Team Tag
Set Up:
Split team into two groups. One group will have balls while the other group will not.
When coach says go, the players with the balls try and hit as many of the other team (below the knees) as they can with their ball. If they hit someone, they get a point. If they miss, they get their ball and try getting someone else. Players without the balls are trying to avoid getting hit.
Play for 1 minute. At the end of the minute tally up how many points each person has and add their scores together to get their team score. Switch roles and play again.
Play for several rounds. Encourage teams to get a higher score then they did last time.
If players aren’t able to get many people, make grid a bit smaller.

Colored Gates in Pairs
Set Up:
- Four pairs of players start with a ball, and each team has two gates to use during the drill.
- Players have to pass the ball through the gates to their partner on the other side in order to score. Once a gate has been passed through, the pair has to pass through a different gate to score another point.
- Play for 45 seconds. Teams keep their score and try to beat their own score in the next round.
Coaching Points:
1. Take your first touch towards the intended target.
2. Touch the ball off and immediately run to the next spot.
3. Use one touch passes to increase the speed of your attack.
1. Teams can be assigned two colors to use during the game.

31 x 20 4v4 Scrimmage
Set Up:
Remove the endzones in the previous game, and add two 3 yard goals on each end (field is now 31x20yds)
Let players play 4v4, coach decides how restarts happen, depending on local rules
Coaching Points:
None. Just let them play. However, get excited when you see a player try a try a dribbling move or attempts to get a defender off balance.
Always highlight positives you see, but don’t stop play and don’t correct their decision making. This is their time to play how they want.