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Field of 30 yards wide and 40 yards long. Two smaller goals near the center for the building team to score on. Large goal for the defending team to score on. Building team plays in 1-2-3 shape and uses the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Defending team plays in a 3-1 shape with the 10, 7, 9 and 11. Every build up starts with the goalie, who rolls or passes the ball to 4 or 5.

Additional Game Ideas:

-6v3 (1-4-1 v 2-1), 6v4 (1-4-1 v 1-3), , 7v5 (1-4-2 v 2-3)

-Instead of using two small goals, use two players. 


Tactical Attacking:

  • Outside backs (2 and 3) go low or high depending on which central defender has the ball.

  • Central defenders (4 and 5) tilt (drop) when the other central defender has the ball. Switch play, break the vertical line (BVL) or find a midfielder.

  • Midfielder 6 tries to find the ball and moves the ball, opens up or goes forward.


  • Pass with the correct speed to the correct foot. Receive with the furthest foot to open up.

Team Defending:

  • 9 makes an L-Run; gets in between the central defenders and then presses the ball.

  • 11 and 7 start pinched in and invite a pass from the central defender to the outside back. Pressure the ball at that moment. Do not pressure the central defender.

  • Midfielder slides over to the side of the ball and picks up 6 or 8 or cuts off the passing lane forward.

Players Required: