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Field of 30 x 30 with a field of 15 x 15 on the inside. Dimensions depend on the number of players. Two teams; one team of four players and one team of six players. The team of four starts in the center of the field with a 4v2. As soon as the defenders win the ball, they pass the ball to teammate on the outside and a 6v4 starts. The four players BLITZ and try to win the ball back. When they succeed, they go back to 4v2. After a certain amount of time, switch roles.

Coaching Points:

Attacking Team:

After your team loses the ball, immediately BLITZ.

When you win the ball during the blitz; One Touch in Transition.


Defending Team

Stay together, work together, work hard and attack the ball at the right moment; bad pass, pass through the air, when the ball is in the corner.

When you win the ball, keep the ball and preferably one touch in transition. Value the ball.