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Field of 40y long x 25y wide, split in two 20 x 25 sides with two small goals on each end line. Two teams of six players. On one side start with 6v4 rondo. When the defenders win the ball, they will try to pass to one of the two teammates on the other side. The four teammates plus four defenders come over to play 6v4 on that side.


The team that just won the ball can score on one of the small goals after a layoff.

Coaching Points:

Attacking Team:

After your team loses the ball, immediately BLITZ.

When you win the ball during the blitz ; One Touch in Transition.

Defending Team

Stay together, work together, work hard. Attack the ball at the right moment; bad pass, pass through the air, when the ball is in the corner.

When you win the ball, keep the ball and preferably one touch in transition.

Value the ball.

Look deep right away.