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Field 36 yards long (double penalty area), 20 yards wide, large goal plus two counter goals. The two defenders start on the 6-yard line, the two attackers near the pk spot. The goalie throws or passes a long ball out to a neutral player. The two attackers offer themselves for the ball, the two defenders push up to the 18-yard line. A 2v2 follows. Attackers score on the large goal and the defenders can score on the two counter goals.


3v2, the player who receives the ball becomes the third attacker.

Coaching Points:

  • When the ball is played from the goalie to start the 2v2, the defenders and the goalie yell out Up! Up! Up!

  • The defenders quickly push up to the 18-yard line.

  • Role of 1st defender and the 2nd defender.

  • Communication.

  • Positive action after winning the ball.