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TIME: 10 Minutes

SET UP: 6 x cones set up in a 10 x 10 grid -  4 x players ( 1player at each end and 1 player in the middle, players rota once the pass is made.)

INSTRUCTIONS:  Player 2 first scans over their shoulder to see what cone player 3 is standing on, player 2 then stands diagonal to player 3 and receives the ball from player 1. Player 2 takes a touch to set themselves up to play a pass out to player 3, Player 1 then moves into the center and player 2 moves out to where player 3 was, player 4 moves into player 1s spot and repeat.


Scan to see where the player is before making the pass.

First touch control 


Speed and weight of pass is the ball making contact with the player being passed to

First touch control is the player setting up to move forward.

Is the player in the middle aware of the player behind and their position to receive the ball?




Goals Required: 
Balls Required: 
1 per group
Players Required: