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Set Up:

There are 10-12 players set up just outside of the penalty area, starting at the cones. To begin play, an attacker and a defender enter the penalty area. The Feeder passes the ball in to the attacker, and the 1v1 continues to completion from there. If the defender wins the ball, he can score in the two small goals set up on the 18. When a goal is scored or the ball is put out of play, the Feeder re-starts the drill with the next pair of players.

Coaching Points:

1.  Get your body turned sideways and keep the ball on your outside foot. 

2.  Try to feel for the defender and then turn away from his pressure.

3.  Accelerate out of the move in order to beat the defender and/or create room to shoot.


1.  Begin play with a pass in to the defender.

Players Required: 