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Set Up:

There are 12-16 players set up inside of the penalty area, starting at the cones. The Feeder begins play with a pass in to either one of the attackers, and the defender closest to the ball releases from the end line with the Feeder’s first touch. Play continues 1v1 to completion from there. If the defender wins the ball, he can score in the small goals set up just outside of the penalty area. During the drill, the players rotate to all four positions.   

Coaching Points:

1.  Approach the attacker at an angle and force him away from his preferred foot.

2.  Control the speed of your approach and be able to change direction if necessary.

3.  Close the distance and then slow down, holding a position 3-5 yards from the attacker.


1.  Progress to 2v2.

Players Required: 