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Set Up:  

There are 8-12 players set up in the large grid, starting at the cones. Player 1 passes to Player 2, and then sprints towards Player 4. Player 2 passes to the next player in line (Player 5), and then sprints towards Player 3. Player 1 double passes with Player 4 and then returns to the passing line opposite from where they started. Player 2 does the same with Player 3. The drill continues with Player 5 passing to Player 6 and so on. After 2-3 minutes, new players rotate in for Players 3 and 4. 

Coaching Points:

1.   Strike the top half of the ball in order to keep it on the ground.

2.   Play the ball to the correct foot of the receiver so he can make a one touch pass.

3.   Eliminate all unnecessary touches and play as quickly as possible.


1.  Air ball service from Players 3 and 4.

Players Required: 

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