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The teams play two games of 4v4 on fields set up right next to one another. Cones are placed in the center in between the two fields, with red cones on top of yellow and yellow cones on top of red in equal numbers. When a player on the yellow team (Bananas) scores, a member of the team runs over and places the yellow cone on top of the red. The red team (Strawberries) places the red cone on top when they score. At the end of game time, whoever has the most cones in their color wins.

Coaching Points:

1.  When you get scored on, grab the ball quickly and attack 4v3.

2.  Sprint off and sprint back when chalking up a goal.

3.  Check away from the ball to create space.


1.  In the middle of play, the Coach can call for players and/or teams to switch over to the other field.

Players Required: