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Field 12 yards wide and 15 yards long. Small goals in the corners. Two teams, players start in the corners. Start off with a pass from defenders to attackers. Switch sides after each turn. Switch after a goal is scored or the ball goes over the end line. Continue play when the ball goes over the sideline. Keep track of score.

Focus Points:

1st Defender - Who and What?

  • Approach the attacker quickly, slow down when getting close,

  • Angled position, low in the knees, elbows bent, move feet quickly with little steps,

  • Force the attacker to the sideline.

  • Win the ball back at the right moment.  Don’t stop defending after you get beat. You never know!

2nd Defender:

  • The 2nd defender or “covering defender” should position himself in a way that he can pressure the ball if the 1st defender is beaten on the dribble, but remain in a position that he can “close the space” on the 2nd attacker if the player on the ball chooses to pass.

  • Roles switch when the ball gets passed to the other attacker.

  • Communication: Yell out Blitz or Pressure after losing the ball. The Five Second Rule.


  • Keep the field wide.

  • 1v1 move or pass?

Players Required: 

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