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Set Up:

There are 5-8 players set up in the small grid, starting in the corners. To begin the drill, Player 1 passes back to Player 2, and then runs to the next corner. Player 2 plays the ball across the grid to Player 3, who touches it back to Player 1. Player 1 passes across to the next corner to Player 4 as Player 3 supports. The players continue move around the grid in this back pass/long pass pattern, and the direction of the drill changes every 2-3 minutes.   

Coaching Points:

1.  The long pass is struck with the instep and stays on the ground. 

2.  The back pass should take most of the pace off of the long pass.

3.  While the long pass moving, the support player has to show and communicate. 


1.  Add two more players, and use two balls.

Players Required: 