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Set Up:

Twelve players are set up on a large grid, playing in three groups of four. Two players from each group start in the small central grid. The other six players start on the outside at the cones, and three balls are active during the drill. Certain conditions can be used:

1)  Pass the ball to the inside player and trade places.

2)  Pass in, trade places, player dribbles to another cone.

3)  Control an air ball, trade places.

4)  Use a three player passing combination.

Coaching Points:

1.  An air ball should be controlled and passed within two touches. 

2.  Choose your ball control technique as early as possible (chest trap, thigh trap, etc.)

3.  Direct the first touch away from the traffic (or away from an imaginary defender).


1.  Play in one large group – no teams.

Players Required: