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Session Set-Up

10 x 10 grid and 30 x 20 grid

Supply of Footballs


Session Detail

Practice 1: Passing and Receiving Square.

Players pass and receive around the square and follow their pass to follow the sequence. Players should look to play off minimal touches (2 touch). On coaches command change the direction of the practice.

Practice 2: Positional Passing Practice.

Play starts with Player 1, who  plays forward pass to Player 2.  Player 2 plays out wide to Player 3, who then plays forward to Player 4 at the top of the practice. The practice is continuous, and so Player 4 restarts each sequence in the opposite direction each time he receives.

Coaching Points/Topics

Pass selection, weight, accuracy

Body shape to receive

Direction of 1st touch

When and where to support

Awareness of next pass and direction of play

Power, speed of pass

Running speed to next cone


Concentration, alertness to next play or pass

Players Required: 