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At the coaches discretion, players are rewarded by being sent to the scoreboard. The game will continue as this is happening.

The scoreboard in this game consists of two hoops (representing pizza), one for each team and a pile of beanbags. Players sent to the scoreboard throw a beanbag in an attempt to make it land in their teams hoop. If the beanbag lands outside of the target, the player returns the beanbag and rejoins the game. If it lands in their target, it will stay in the hoop to represent a point for their team. The team who gets the most beanbags in their hoop wins. 


If all beanbags are gone from the middle, players try and throw a beanbag from the other teams hoop to land in theirs, stealing a point if successful, putting the beanbag back if not. 

As always, be sure to let players know you won't just praise goal scoring but positive behaviors as well. Rewarding such behaviors will likely motivate players to repeat them. Scoreboard Soccer is designed to help the holistic development of young people through praising and promoting characteristics such as team work, sportsmanship and respect. 

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