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Set Up:

There are seven players set up on a field split into three zones. During play, the three attackers play keep away from the defender (Player 1) in one end zone, while the three attackers in the opposite end zone pass and move within their space. When the defender wins the ball, the player who lost it (Player 2) runs to the opposite end zone to defend, creating a new 3v1. Play continues back and forth across the field in this manner, and balls put out of play are re-started by the Feeder.

Coaching Points:

1.  Use the entire space in the end zones and force the defender to chase the ball.

2.  Prepare and play the ball quickly, playing in a one or two touch rhythm.

3.  When put under pressure, use feinting moves to slow down the defender’s approach.


1.  Play 3v2 in each end zone. The player losing the ball chooses a partner.  

Players Required: