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Grid 8 to 10 yards wide, 16 yards long. Small goals on one side in corners, two groups of players in other corners. Defender passes the ball straight to the attacker and the 1v1 starts. Switch side after turn. After a certain amount of time, the pass comes from the other side to make sure the defender also approaches from the opposite side. 


Improve the ability to beat an opponent in a 1v1 situation.

Improve the ability to defend and win the ball in a 1v1 situation. 


2 small goals, balls, cones, bibs.

Coaching Points:


  • Receive the ball properly; close or further from your foot depending on the distance to the incoming defender. 

  • Make speed, dribble with laces or outside foot.

  • Look over the ball when dribbling or use peripheral vision. 

  • When you get closer to the defender, keep the ball closer to your foot

  • Make your move at the right moment. Not too far away or too close to the defender.  

  • Explode after the move and shoot as quickly as possible. 


  • After the pass, run to the center of the grid first to cut off the passing lane to the small goal.

  • After 'protecting the goal' approach the attacker quickly, slow down when getting close.

  • Stand in an angled position, low in the knees, elbows bent.

  • Move feet quickly with little steps and force the attacker to the sideline, away from the small goal.

  • Win the ball back at the right moment.  

  • Explode after winning the ball and try to score as quickly as possible. 


  • Make two teams and keep track of the score. 

Goals Required: 
Balls Required: 
Players Required: 